Great Lakes Wireless Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. Please review the information below on how Great Lakes Wireless and its affiliate (called, “Xplore” in this policy) protect your personal information.

Your Privacy is Protected

At Great Lakes Wireless, an important part of our commitment to provide you with service excellence is our respect for your right to privacy.

Keeping our customers’ information and affairs in strict confidence is a cornerstone of Great Lakes Wireless’s business.

In the following, we describe these policies and procedures and how we put them into practice so that you have control over how we collect, use and disclose your information.

Protecting Your Privacy Means:

  • we keep your information and the business you do with us in strict confidence, sharing only with our affiliate "Xplore"
  • your information is not sold in any way
  • you have control over how we obtain, use, and give out information about you
  • you have access to the information we have about you
  • we respect your privacy when we market our products and services

Why we collect your personal information?

  • we need your name for reference
  • your mailing address to determine what services you are eligible for
  • your contact information to get back in touch with you

Xplore Privacy Policy

To view Xplore's Privacy Policy, click here.